EHB 322E: Digital Electronic Circuits

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  • Feb. 3rd The class is given in the room 4102 (first floor), EEF.


EHB 322E: Digital Electronic Circuits, CRN: 25176, Mondays 13:30-16:30, Room: 4102 (EEF), Spring 2014.

Mustafa Altun

  • Email:
  • Tel: 02122856635
  • Office hours: 15:00 – 16:30 on Tuesdays in Room:3005, EEF (or stop by my office any time)
Teaching Assistant


  • Email:
  • Room:
  • Quizzes: 10%
    • 2 pop-up quizzes (5% each) - no prior announcement of quiz dates and times
  • Homeworks: 10%
    • 3 homeworks (3.3% each)
  • Midterm Exams: 40%
    • 2 midterms (20% each) during the lecture time that will on 24/3/2014 and 28/4/2014.
  • Final Exam: 40%
Reference Books
  • Rabaey, J. M., Chandrakasan, A. P., & Nikolic, B. (2002). Digital integrated circuits. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice hall.
  • Uyemura, J. P. (2002). CMOS logic circuit design. Springer.
  • Kang, S. M., & Leblebici, Y. (2003). Cmos Digital Integrated Circuits, 3/E. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Homeworks are due at the beginning of class. Late homeworks will be downgraded by 20% for each day passed the due date.
  • Quizzes and exams are in closed-notes and closed-books format.
  • To be eligible of taking the final or the resit exam, you should take both midterms and your midterm average should be at least 25 (out of 100).

Weekly Course Plan

Week 1, 10/2/2014 Introduction
Week 2, 17/2/2014 Devices for digital circuits and inverters
Week 3, 24/2/2014 NMOS/CMOS inverters & their static and dynamic behaviors
Weeks 4, 3/3/2014 Optimization of multiple-stage inverters and buffers
Weeks 5, 10/3/2014 Static logic gates
Week 6, 17/3/2014 Complex logic gates and their delays
Weeks 7, 24/3/2014 MIDTERM I
Week 8, 31/3/2014 Pass transistor logic
Week 9, 7/4/2014 Flip-flops
Weeks 10, 14/4/2014 Synchronization of digital circuits
Week 11, 21/4/2014 Dynamic logic gates
Week 12, 28/4/2014 MIDTERM II
Weeks 13, 5/5/2014 Semiconductor memories and gate arrays
Weeks 14, 12/5/2014 Semiconductor memories and gate arrays

Course Materials

Homeworks Quizzes Exams
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